1075 Harrison City-Export Road Jeannette, PA 15644
Benefits of (EWOT) Exercise With Oxygen Therapy
According to Dr. Marc Sircus, author of Anti Inflammatory Oxygen Therapy, increased oxygen benefits
Decrease in systemic inflammation including vascular system and joints
Increase in energy and mental clarity
Increases strength
Enhances sleep
Improves vision and helps prevent macular degeneration and cataracts
Faster recovery from stress-related illnesses
Stimulation of the immune system preventing future illness
Prevention of age related diseases such as cancer, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, etc
Increased metabolism for weight loss and increased fat burning
Greatly enhances athletic performance
Reduces migraine headaches and tension headaches
Helps recover from back, neck and joint pain
Faster recovery from concussions
Reduce or normalize blood pressure
Increased circulation to the legs and feet for diabetics
Helpful in reducing peripheral neuropathy
Helps chronic sinusitis
Increases white blood cell production and strength
Significantly reduces swelling and edema
Improves range of motion
Acceleration of wound healing
Increases production of collagen
Supports scar tissue rehabilitation
Promotes greater tissue strength
Enhances the growth of new blood vessels
Stimulates new capillary growth
Improves bone regeneration after fracture or break
Helps prevent infection from viruses, bacteria, and molds
Stimulates immune system rather than suppress it (rheumatoid arthritis)
Supports peripheral vascular diseases, arrhythmia
Improves lung function for asthma, emphysema, and bronchitis
Reduces pain and relaxes tired muscles
Detoxifies or reduces environmental toxin load and helpful with environmental hypersensitivity
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Increased or hyperoxygenation helps improve many conditions and helps prevent many conditions that are listed here, according to Dr. Marc Sircus, author of Anti-Inflammatory Oxygen Therapy.